MENTOR ESRs will be participating in a transferrable skills workshop on CAREERS on 13 and 14 June 2023 at the Adrian Cadbury at Conference Aston with ESRs on EC-funded ETNs Post-Digital (GA 860360) and Mefista (GA 861152).
13 June
9.30-11.15 UK Paul Knobbs, grant writing
11.15 15-min break
11.30-12.30 UK Andrew Ellis, career paths
12.30-13:30 UK, Lunch at Conference Aston Restaurant
13.30-17:00 UK Sandy Sparks, careers and CVs (coffee break 3pm)
19.00 Tri-project ESR meal, details being sent directly.
14 June
9.30-16:30 Sandy Sparks, careers and CVs (with a mid morning 11.00 break and a mid afternoon 3pm coffee break)
12.30-13:30 UK, Lunch at Conference Aston, MBA Lounge (breakout area outside the lecture theatre)
Free evening.
Speakers include:
Andrew D. Ellis Andrew is professor of optical communications at Aston University where he is also the Deputy Director of the Institute of Photonics Technologies, and he holds adjunct professorships from University College Cork (Physics) and Dublin City University.
Professor Ellis has academic and industrial experience in optical communications, so come prepared with your questions. Experience includes 13 years for BT, 10 years at Aston 9 years at University College Cord in Ireland, 4 years at the COOP and Spar and 3 years at Corning Ltd and 0.5 years at The Griffins Head.
Paul Knobbs is a highly experienced Research Funding Manager at Aston University with a demonstrated history of success with a range of funding schemes, UK, EU and International. He has considerable experience of programme and project portfolio management and is highly skilled in proposal development.
Sandy Sparks Professional Development Consultant:
Sandy has over 30 years of experience in professional and personal development, especially leadership & researcher development, working in both the private and public sectors, in the UK and internationally.
Her areas of expertise include:
▪ Career Development
▪ Skills Development e.g. academic writing, presentation skills, networking skills
▪ Research Leadership Development / Researcher Development
▪ Research Culture
▪ Inter-cultural and cross-cultural work esp. Unconscious Bias
▪ Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
▪ Impact & Evaluation
▪ Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Creativity
▪ Coaching and Mentoring
• Mediation
• Bespoke consultancy supporting a number of UK and international institutions, sharing her experience and knowledge, having worked as an academic and in professional services.
Sandy is a Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Everything DiSC Accredited Practitioner, undertaken 360 Reviews on a senior leadership programme, Belbin Team Roles Accredited Trainer, Realise 2 Strengths Profiling Practitioner, TEIQue (Emotional Intelligence) and experienced coach / mentor and mediator, all useful skills incorporated into leadership & development training.