Conferences & Posters

Where MENTOR members are involved, their names are in capitals.

For links to publications resulting from conference presentations and posters, see under ‘publications’.

Speaker/s & Author/sTalk/PosterLink/sConference
Li Zhang, Erwan Pincemin, Naveena Genay, Darko ZibarPoster: Ultrafast Predictions of Power Evolution and Gain Spectra in
Bidirectional-Pumped Fiber Raman Amplifiers Employing
Neural Networks-based Solvers 25 September 2024, Frankfurt
A. B. Terki, J. Pedro, A. Eira, A. Napoli and N. SamboDeep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in Multi-Band Optical Networks
ONDM May 2024
Lareb Zar Khan; Andrea Sgambelluri; Lorenzo De Marinis; Nicola SamboOptimizing Deep Learning-based Failure Management in Optical Networks by Monitoring Relative Neural Activity May 2024
N. Sambo, L. Z. Khan, J. Pedro, N. Costa, L. De Marinis, and A. Napoli,The Potential of Data Augmentation for Failure Management in Optical Networks Photonics Congress 2023
Mariano Devigili, UPC / Diogo Goncalo Sequeira, Infinera Unipessoal Lda. / Marc Ruiz, Universitat UPC / Nelson Costa, Infinera Unipessoal Lda. / Carlos Castro, Infinera / Antonio Napoli, Infinera / João Pedro, Infinera Unipessoal Lda. / Luis Velasco, UPC.Extending the OCATA Digital Twin for Optical Connections Based on Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing OFC 2024, (Wed 27 March), 17.15-17.30, W4I.3
Lareb ZAR KHAN, Joao PEDRO, Nelson COSTA, Antonio NAPOLI, Nicola SAMBOPoster and talk: Model-Centric versus Data-Centric Machine Learning for Soft-Failure Cause Identification in Optical Networks
ECOC, Glasgow, 1 October 2023
Sasipim SRIVALLAPANONDH, Pedro J. Freire, Ashraful Alam, Nelson COSTA, Bernhard SPINNLER, Antonio NAPOLI, Egor Sedov, Sergei K. TURITSYN, Jaroslaw PRILEPSKYPoster and talk: Multi-Task Learning to Enhance Generalizability of Neural Network Equalizers in Coherent Optical Systems
ECOC, Glasgow, 1 October 2023
Prasunika KHARE, N COSTA, Joao PEDRO, A NAPOLI, F Arpanaei, J. Comellas, M RUIZ, L VELASCOTalk and published software: SSMS: A split step multiband simulation software, Invited Presentation, July 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Mariano DEVIGILI, M. RUIZ, Nelston COSTA, C CASTRO, A NAPOLI, J PEDRO, L VELASCOExtending the OCATA digital twin to the frequency domain, Invited Presentation Icton, July 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Lareb ZAR KHAN (speaker), Ahmed Triki, Maxime Laye, Nicola SAMBO, in collaboration with OrangePoster and talk: Dealing with High Cardinality of Network Management System Data for Machine-Learning-Based Alarm Classification
27th International Conference in Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), May 2023, Portugal
Lareb ZAR KHAN (speaker), in collaboration with InfineraData-centric View of Machine Learning for Optical Network Failure Management.Invited talk27th International Conference in Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), May 2023, Portugal
Luis Velasco; Mariano Devigili, Marc RuizApplications of Digital Twin for * Autonomous Zero-Touch Optical Networking [Invited] Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM) 8-11 May 2023
M. DEVIGILI, D. Sequeira, C. Santos, M. RUIZ, B. Shariati, N. COSTA, A. NAPOLI, J. PEDRO, J. Fischer, and L. VELASCO (speaker)Experimental Validation of Deep Learning-based Models for Optical Time Domain Analysis Cleo 2023, USA, May 12, 2023
Sasipim SRIVALLAPANONDH (speaker), Pedro J. Freire, Antonio NAPOLI,
Hardware Realization of Nonlinear Activation Functions for NN-based Optical Equalizers 2023, USA, May 12, 2023
Lareb ZAR KHAN, Joao PEDRO, Pedro Freire, Nelson COSTA, Antonio NAPOLI, Nicola SAMBOData Augmentations to Reduce Computational Complexity of Neural Network Based soft failure cause identifier Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 6 March 2023, USA
Mariano DEVIGILI, M Ruiz, S Barzegar, N COSTA; A NAPOLI, J PEDRO, L VELASCODegradation Detection and Severity Estimation by Exploiting an Optical Time and Frequency Digital Twin Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 5-9 March 2023, USA
N. SAMBO, L. Z. KHAN, J. PEDRO, N. COSTA, L. De Marinis, and A. NAPOLI. The Potential of Data Augmentation for Failure Management in Optical Networks,” Photonics Congress 2023, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper NeM3B.1.
Sasipim SRIVALLAPANONDH, Pedro J. Freire, Bernhard SPINNLER, Nelson COSTA, Antonio NAPOLIi, Sergei K. TURYTSIN, Jaroslaw E. PRILEPSKYKnowledge Distillation Applied to Optical Channel Equalization: Solving the Parallelization Problem of Recurrent Connection Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 5-9 March 2023, USA
Mariano DEVIGILI, P. Nadimi Goki, N. SAMBO, P. Castoldi, L. Potì, A. D’Amico, and V. CurriMulti-band Optical Network Assisted by GNPy: an Experimental Demonstration IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM Nov-Dec 2022)
Lareb ZAR KHAN, ESR3; Joao PEDRO, Nelson COSTA, Antonio NAPOLI, and Nicola SAMBOData Augmentation to Improve Machine Learning for Optical Network Failure Management 2022

Abdennour BEN TERKI, ESR4; Joao PEDRO, Antonio Eira, Antonio NAPOLI, and Nicola SAMBOPoster and talk: Routing and Spectrum Assignment Assisted by Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Band Optical Networks &
ECOC 2022

Mariano DEVIGILI, ESR5; Marc Ruiz, Nelson COSTA, Antonio NAPOLI, João PEDRO, Luis VELASCO.Dual Time and Frequency Domain Optical Layer Digital Twin 2022

Lareb ZAR KHAN, Ahmed Triki, Maxim Laye and Nicola SAMBO. Optical Network Alarms Classification using Unsupervised Machine Learning in 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC, 3-6 July, 2022) and International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computer (PSC, 3-6 July 2022)
Pedro J. Freire, Sasipim SRIVALLAPANONDH, Antonio NAPOLI, Jaroslaw E. PRILEPSKY, Sergei K. TURYTSINComputational Complexity Evaluation of Neural Network Applications in Signal Processing, June 2022
Joao PEDROWORKSHOP: Are Multi-Band Optical Networks Simple Extensions of Traditional C-band Networks? (Beyond C+L band Systems: Is there a solid business core?)ECOC 2022

Nicola SAMBOWORKSHOP: Are Multi-Band Optical Networks Simple Extensions of Traditional C-band Networks? (Network Upgrades exploiting multi band)ECOC 2022

Emilio RICCARDIWORKSHOP: Are Multi-Band Optical Networks Simple Extensions of Traditional C-band Networks? (Perspective of multi-band in TIM Networks)ECOC 2022

Antonio NAPOLISPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Simplification of Intra Data Centre Architectures With Point to Multipoint Coherent TransceiversECOC 2022

Darko ZIBARSPECIAL SYMPOSIUM: Quantum Noise Limited Ultra-Low Energy Link for Data CentersECOC 2022

Darko ZIBARNoise in OFC using machine learning techniques
Lille/EPFL: 17-18 November 2021, Lille, France: Optical Frequency Combs: From fundamentals to Application
Francesco DA ROSSolving photonics problems with machine learningOSA Student Chapter University of Warsaw
Francesco DA ROSMachine Learning in PhotonicsFOAN 2021
Nicola SAMBOMulti-band optical networkingIEEE Summer Topicals 2021
Sergei K. TURITSYN, Vladislav Neskorniuk, Andrea Carnio, Vinod Bajaj, Domenico Marsella, Jaroslaw PRILEPSKIY, Vahid Aref.End-to-End Deep Learning of Long-Haul Coherent Optical Fiber Communications via Regular Perturbation ModelECOC 2021
Sergei K. TURITSYN, Jaroslaw PRILEPSKIY, Egor Sedov, Pedro Jorge Freire de Carvalho Souza, Igor ChekhovskoyNeural Networks For Nonlinear Fourier Spectrum Computation
ECOC 2021
Darko ZIBARMachine learning for the inverse design of optical amplifiersECOC 2021
Luis VELASCOApplications of machine learning for network control

ECOC 2021
Ognjen Jovanovic, Metodi P Yankov, Francesco Da Ros, Darko ZIBAREnd-to-end Learning of a Constellation Shape Robust to Variations in SNR and Laser Linewidth
ECOC 2021
Axel Washington, Luis VELASCO, Llui Gifre RENOM, Marc Ruiz, Implementing a Machine Learning Function Orchestration
ECOC 2021
Diogo Goncalo Sequeria, Marc Ruiz, Nelson COSTA, Antonio Napoli, Joao PEDRO, Luis VELASCOLightweight Optical Constellation Modeling by Concatenating Artificial Neural Networks
ECOC 2021
Rasoul Sadeghi, Bruno Correia, Emamuele Virgilito, Elliot London, Nelson COSTA, Joao PEDRO, Antonio NAPOLI, Vittorio CURRIOptimized Translucent S-band Transmission in Multi-Band Optical Networks
ECOC 2021
Marc Ruiz, Javier Roman Morales, Diogo Goncalo Sequeria, Luis VELASCOAn Autoencoder-Based Solution for IQ Constellation Analysis
ECOC 2021
Antonio Napoli, Johan Back, Paul Choiseul, Andres Madero, German Garcia, Arthul Mathur, Joao PEDRO, Tobias Eriksson, Warren Sande, Aaron Chase, Fady Masoud, Dave Welch Live Network Demonstration of Point-to-Multipoint Coherent Transmission for 5G Mobile Transport over Existing Fiber Plant
ECOC 2021
Johan Back, Joao PEDRO, Tobias Schaich, Antonio Napoli, Paul Wright, Aaron Chase, Dave Welch, Andrew Lord Hubbedness: a Metric to Describe Traffic Flows in Optical Networks and an Analysis of its Impact on Efficiency of Point-to-Multipoint Coherent Transceiver Architectures DOI TBAECOC 2021
Andre Souza, Nelson COSTA, Joao PEDRO, Joao PiresOptimized Deployment of S-band and Raman Amplification to Cost-Effectively Upgrade Wideband Optical Networks DOI TBA
ECOC 2021
Nicola SAMBO, Alessio Ferrari, Antonio Napoli, Joao PEDRO, Leily Sehaar Kiani, Piero Castoldi, Vittorio CURRIMultiband Seamless Network Upgrade by Exploiting the E-band
ECOC 2021

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