
MENTOR started in January 2021 and this publications area will grow over the course of the project’s 4-year duration.


This page will be updated with all the latest findings emerging from MENTOR research.


To publish arising open access publications here, contact MENTOR Project Manager by emailing k.woods2 at


Please include MENTOR in your acknowledgements with the statement: This project has received funding from Horizon 2020’s Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement number 956713. 


Author(s)TitlePublication/publication from ConferenceLink/sStatus
L. Z. Khan, J. Pedro, N. Costa, A. Sgambelluri, A. Napoli and N. Sambo, Model and data-centric machine learning algorithms to address data scarcity for failure identificationJournal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 369-381, March 2024 Access
M. Devigili, M. Ruiz, N. Costa, C. Castro, A. Napoli, J. Pedro, L. VelascApplications of the OCATA time domain digital twin: from QoT estimation to failure managementJournal of Optical Communications and Networking Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 221-232 (2024) and Open Access
Sasipim Srivallapanondh, Pedro J. Freire, Bernhard Spinnler, Nelson Costa, Antonio Napoli, Sergei K. Turitsyn,
Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky
Parallelization of Recurrent Neural Network-Based Equalizer for Coherent Optical Systems via Knowledge DistillationJournal of Lightwave Technology
Year: 2023 | Early Access Article JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY , VOL. Y, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2023 Access
Pedro J Freire, Sasipim Srivallapanondh, Michael Anderson, Bernhard Spinnler, Thomas Bex, Tobias A Eriksson, Antonio Napoli, Wolfgang Schairer, Nelson Costa, Michaela Blott, Sergei K Turitsyn and Jaroslaw E PrilepskyImplementing Neural Network-Based Equalizers in a Coherent Optical Transmission System Using Field-Programmable Gate ArraysJournal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 3797-3815 Access
Lareb Zar Khan, Joao Pedro, Nelson Costa, Antonio Napoli, Lorenzo De Marinis, and Nicola SamboData Augmentation to Improve Performance of Neural Networks for Failure Management in Optical NetworksJournal of Optical Communications and Networking, Volume 15, Issue 1 & 10.1364/jocn.472605Open Access
Nicola Sambo; Bruno Correia; Antonio Napoli; João Pedro; Leily Kiani; Piero Castoldi; Vittorio CurriNetwork upgrade exploiting multi band: S- or E-band?Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Volume 14, Issue 9, September 2022 Access

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