November 2021 MENTOR Early Stage Researchers 3 and 4 (Lareb Zar Khan and Abdennour Ben Terki) hosted by Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) in Pisa spoke about MENTOR EID and the EC’s Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions to students on the Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks programme (PIXNET). These students are undertaking an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and are potential prime future candidates for an EID, mobility and eligibility rules permitting. Lareb and Abdennour made connections with these students and informed them about MSCA programmes. More outreach planned for January 2022.
MENTOR Consortium member Dr Francesco Da Ros of DTU, Denmark, was invited to give a talk at FOAN2021 on Machine Learning in Photonics.
He also gave an outreach talk at OPTICA student chapter of Warsaw University, “Solving photonics problems with machine learning”.
June 21 2021 We may not all be engineers, but we make engineering happen. This is what we at AIPT concluded when we asked the question, what makes a great research project? Is it the scientists? A vital topic? Of course. But behind every great project there are Project Managers working hard to make the projects run professionally. To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day this week (INWED21), EC Project Managers at AIPT have produced this poster (see right) to showcase its valued Project Managers. #InWed21 is in its eighth year and takes place on 23 June 2021. It is brought to us by the Women’s Engineering Society.
May 16 2021 MENTOR Project Co-ordinator Aston University always celebrates the International Day of Light and this year is no exception. COVID restrictions may still be in operation to differing degrees across the globe, but MENTOR was still able to contribute to the Aston Institute of Photonic Research’s ‘Light’ Brochure. Have a read here.
The brochure comes ahead of an event scheduled for May 21. See the agenda here for what is sure to be a light-filled day of talks,
fun-facts and a wrap-up social quiz. The Teams link for May 21 is here.
Why not join, connect, and make new contacts?
March 24 2021 Physicist John Dudley (Hon IUFrance, Hon FRSNZ), with interests in nonlinearity, optics, lasers, extremes, outreach and as former President of the European Physical Society, gave an online talk on Communicating Science to new researchers. This was vital training on communicating with different audiences.
Aston University Librarian and Open Research Data & Bibliometrics Specialist Hannah Hickman spoke online on all aspects of Horizon 2020 and Open Access publications.
March 24 2021 The MENTOR management team publicised the project’s six Early Stage Researcher (ESR) vacancies to 95 ERASMUS PIXNET, EMIMEO and SMARTNET researchers from cohorts across Europe and beyond. Photonics students keen to pursue a career in machine-learning and artificial intelligence in optical networks, soon to obtain their Masters, were encouraged to apply.
No ordinary PhD
The team outlined the benefits of obtaining a PhD through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) versus traditional PhDs.